Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Armor of God

I have been reflecting on the passage in Ephesians 6 concerning the armor of the warrior. Each piece of the soldier’s armor, as described by Paul the apostle, has a special significance for each and every believer. Lord, will you help me understand more about this armor and it’s importance for the believer?

A soldier’s armor is is outfit of protection and readiness to do battle with his adversary. Paul described the armor because he was chained to a Roman warrior during his imprisonment. His reflection came out of his reality. The armor and its weapons are designed for defense, and offense.  Each piece is a functional piece for protection, warfare, and implementation of a battling spirit.

Eph 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might...

I enable you to draw from my strength as you face the battle. your strength will give out in time, but mine is perfect. So why not draw upon my strength to face the evil day?

6:11 Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil...

Remember it is MY STRENGTH, and it is my armor.  You must be proactive and suit up for the battle. My armor will fit perfectly, and protect faithfully. My desire is for you to stand firm and have discernment to know the schemes of the wicked one. Your adversary attempts to derail you and cause you to move in a direction contrary to mine.  You need the FULL armor of God to prepare yourself for war. Each piece of the armor is essential to insure victory.  The belt of truth gives a security and protection to the inner most part of your being. The heart, and the bowels are protected from enemy swords and spears. My desire is for living water to flow out of your innermost being, but your adversary wants to permanently disable you from the flow of my Spirit because this is a great threat to his kingdom.  He is a deceiver,. but the belt of Truth, combats and stands against his onslaughts of error that cause the heart to be sick. Your loins are your ability to bring forth seed and multiply upon the earth. Satan’s desire it to kill the godly seed and take you out, so that you do not reproduce after your kind.  The breastplate protects your heart, your motives, your passion, your intensity to fulfill the mission. Satan wants to keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Make sure to protect your heart, and keep it with all diligence.  The helmet protects the mind from wicked intruders. The vital functions and directives come from the head. This helmet is the salvation of the house.

The sword and shield are offensive/defensive. They allow you to move forward into the NEW and take back the ground that was captured by the enemy. Don’t be afraid or dismayed. I will teach you how to use your weapons successfully. You make me very proud of you for taking a stand for me.

Prayer is one of the most important weapons in the arsenal. Because as you commune with Me, you are learning to hear my voice and then simply obey what you hear.  As you make petition for the saints, I clothe them with my armor as well and give them the covering of victory. So pray constantly in the Spirit. Father can detect and discern what is your heart’s desire. Don’t worry. Just move in Me and with Me to the battle. I am faithful to  help you to overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of your testimony. Prepare for War, and succeed in mounting the charge when it is time.

Thank you Lord, for your continued direction and teaching in my life. I love you and bless you. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 Things the Lord says He hates...

September 6, 2011

I was meditating this morning on Proverbs 6, and noted particularly the seven things that the text says that the LORD hates, or are an abomination to him:
    1. Haughty eyes
    2. A lying tongue
    3. Hands that shed innocent blood
    4. A heart that devises wicked plans
    5. A false witness that utters lies
    6. Feet that run rapidly to evil
    7. One who spreads strife among brothers
Lord, this is a tough passage this morning. Would you please teach me, and show me your ways?

A man that walks in these conditions is disjointed, diseased in heart and spirit. He is focused on self, rather than focused on me. Deceit, pride, arrogance, gossip--these all stem from the same spirit that drove Lucifer to mount his rebellion in heaven. His whole “MO” is deceit. The truth is not in him. Whenever a man lives out of this motivation, he can not come to the light because his way is full of darkness. His purpose is to deceive, cover, twist, and turn the truth of God into a lie. This is his motive and his practice. Many are religious, but it can be a cloak to attempt to cover the inner motives of the heart. But i see into a man’s heart. I see the hidden things.

When a man acknowledges this darkness and confesses his sin and deceit, he opens the door to my healing and restoration. I can make him pure in heart, cleansing and purifying him by my blood. A man has to full surrender, in order to truly begin this process.

This is the default mechanism that works in the sons of disobedience. My truth brings light into the darkness. Darkness tries to hide, but it can not hide from me. I shine light into the dark corners of the earth; into the recesses of the hearts of men, so that there is no excuse. When a man chooses this way of darkness, he becomes that man, so that he lives out from what he believes. Attempts to hide are futile. I expose darkness, in order to redeem. But a man who refuses to submit to the light, chooses to remain in darkness--his leaf will wither, and whatever he does is cursed.

When one comes to the light, he is changed through and through, so that his life can become a light, transparent, holy, pure, and innocent; all permitting my light to shine through so that others may come to the light. The light in them will push back the darkness and create and establish a place where life can flourish. Purity of heart, purity of motive, and purity of mind is a reflection of my own nature. For I have given everything that pertains to the divine nature so that men who have embraced light and revelation from me will be changed from glory to glory. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; I AM the Light of the world!

Hallelujah, and praise your name! Lord!

What are the opposites of the things you hate? What do you love?

    1. Humble hearts. Humility is honored in the Kingdom.
    2. Truthful lips, motivated from a truthful heart.
    3. Hands that labor to protect the innocent and bring true justice
    4. A heart motivated and delighted to do my will
    5. a truthful, faithful witness, that courageously proclaims truth in my kingdom, before babes and kings.
    6. Feet that are moving to spread truth, peace, and love
    7. One who lives in unity with brothers and others, who protects relationships from damage; a peacemaker, wound healer, a restorer and repairer of the breach, and a restorer of the path to dwell in. (Isaiah 58).

Anything else? Lord? I want nothing to be hidden from you. Expose and bring to light that which is in my soul. Remove from me all that is unlike you...

Son, when a man’s ways please the LORD, He will cause even his enemies to be at peace with him.

No place of darkness in me, Lord...

This is the light of heaven on earth--my light shines upon you, and in you, and through you. My life and light are synonymous. These are both facets of my nature. I created light and separated the light from the darkness.

Are we in the "last days?"

September 7, 2011--Journaling

In the last days perilous times come (2 Timothy 3:1-5). “Since we are accountable for our every word and deed, we must make these choices that will bring forth the fruit of the Spirit.”  “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear? (I Peter 4:18).  “And the Lord said to Moses, whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book (Exodus 32:33).  “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels (Rev. 3:5).  

So Lord, will you teach me concerning matters of judgment at the end?  

My disciples asked me concerning the end. You have read the words inspired by the Holy Spirit to Matthew, Peter, Luke, and John. the judgment is a place where men recognize the supremacy of my Father’s will. Every mean will be judged. Judgment is not a fearful thing to those who have their name inscribed in the Lamb’s book of life--those who have repented and turned from their sins. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Your adversary has a goal: to keep you from life, from discovering the keys to eternal life, and to kingdom life itself.

This life is in the Son and He gives life to those who ask. Without the Son, there is no life at all; only a fearful dread of what is coming. For those who have made adequate preparation, the future is bright and full of hope. Paul was right when he said that we have hope because we have life itself. Your hope is built on nothing else, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. This hope does not make one ashamed. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”  So many do not know the way or have been blinded from the truth. “If your gospel is hidden, it is hidden to those that are lost.” his agenda is to stand in the way of light, to block it from the eyes and ears of those walking in darkness. your mission is to shine the light of the truth into the darkness so that men will come to the light. It is a voluntary action on their part, in order to come to the knowledge of the Truth. For they will know (ginosko) the Truth, and the Truth will set them free!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Trusting the LORD in Tough Times

Journal Entry

August 20, 2011

In Psalm 20, at the beginning in verses 1-5, David is giving a prophetic blessing to the chief musician. He is encouraging him by reminding him that the Lord will answer in a day of trouble; will give strength and help from his dwelling place. He blesses him and encourages him by saying that the Lord will answer all his petitions and desires. In other words, don't sweat it, God is in control. Our trust is in the name of the Lord our God and He will never fail us. What would you have to say to me Lord in this regard this morning?

Jym, sometimes the laborers get weary, and seem to lose heart in the battle. David was encouraging the worship leader in the battle. His answers were in Me. Even in times of trouble and difficulty, I delight to help and bring the victory in the lives of my people. Worshipers have a unique purpose. They bridge heaven and earth and bring my people to the place of trust and confidence in the Lord. These times in which you are living are difficult, but I will be your constant help, if you seek me and come to know me.

David went on to declare in verse 6, “Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand. Anything here Lord?

Nothing builds faith and hope like experience. David was a worshiper and a warrior. He was first a worshiper. He had personal knowledge of Me and My presence. He knew from experience that I could be trusted to bring an answer from the realms of heaven into the realm of earth. My dominion into his dominion. David's delight was to know me. He was a man after my own heart. But he desired for others to know me as well. This brought great joy to My heart. This is the chief end of man, to love the LORD your God and to worship Him forever. In this place, is my help and provision.

David finally declared that “some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our GOD! Others fall, but we will stand! Then he cries, SAVE LORD! May the King answer us when we call.

Many nations and individuals trust in the strength of their armies to save them. Some in their economies. But those who have my heart are those that trust in ME to deliver. I will answer from heaven as you call upon me. So call...

So Lord, my pastor says that I need to shift my thinking from the small church mentality, to the large, corporate church mentality. I want to submit to this and trust you for the growth you would like to give in the house I'm responsible for. I know that it is not in the numbers where there is success, but in the depth of the people to be able to trust in you and your Word in the times ahead. What would you have to say to me concerning this?

Jym, I am concerned for the one. Even the little sparrow that falls from heaven, I see. I loved the whole world, but sent my Son into the world to save the world, one person at a time. Don't forget the one...the many will come to the light as you let your light shine in the darkness. Continue to come to Me and see ME, then you will minister from this place of knowledge, true intimacy. This is the power to transform individuals and nations. I have called you to the nations. So don't worry about the how, just come to Me and you will see...

I worship you LORD. You are all my hearts desire. I love you, LORD. Please enlarge my capacity to receive from you, and cause me to be enlarged in spirit. I want to worship you in Spirit and in Truth. Help me to press into your presence and abide there. For you said if you abide in Me and my Rhemas abide in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. Increase my faith, LORD. Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me, bless HIS name!!!

Meditations on various Psalms

Journal Entry

September 1, 2011

Reading from Psalm 1, 31, 61, 91 this morning. Noted that the Lord discusses with David that He is a shelter and a refuge for his beloved. I love the beginning of a new month and these first day Psalms are such a blessing.

Anything that you want to say to me here, Lord?

I give my counsel to those who wait upon Me. I delight to give wisdom and direction to your life on a moment by moment basis. Living in the counsel of God prepares you to enter into the NEW in fresh ways. My mercies are NEW every morning. That is why I have given a portion for each day. Fruitfulness and success are drawn out of a life that is surrendered and one that waits on the LORD. Your strength is renewed, and your way becomes smooth. Circumstances don't matter at all. You learn to taste and see that the LORD is good. Delight yourself in my law, and meditate in it, and you will see a fruitful harvest.

What of, “his leaf will not wither, and whatever he does prospers”...

True prosperity is in knowing Me. My supply never runs out! My provision is always just what is needed. I supply an abidance for every good work. I see the future, so that when you are investing time in my presence and listening to Me, you are multiplying your harvest. Just as seed brings forth an abundance even in one generation, so in the generations to come, the harvest is greatly multiplied. There is an exponential effect on the planting and harvesting. Everything you do will succeed, if the plans grow out of My heart, and are sown into your heart. Your life will be fruitful, and what you produce will last into the next generations.

Praise your NAME LORD! In Psalm 61 David was saying that you preserve the life of the King and his years will be as many generations. Can you explain?

Life begets life. There were times when men’s lives were as trees. Consider Methuselah. But when a man's ways please the LORD, I long to be closer. Consider Enoch. As you are learning to yield to Me, and come into my presence, your life is preserved. Consider Moses on the mountain of God. He was in my presence for 80 days, and yet he didn't need food or water because I sustained Him. Such is the man who draws near to Me. Provision is the resource of heaven. In my presence is FULNESS of joy. O taste and see that the LORD is good. The time will come again when mien’s ages will be like trees. I sustain youth, and yours is renewed like the eagle's. Wait upon the LORD, and you will renew your strength.

In Psalm 91, you inspired David to write about the results of a life fully committed to YOU and one who is walking in your presence. “For you have made the LORD, my refuge, Even the MOST HIGH your dwelling place...therefore...

David understood the important thing in life, was learning to dwell in my presence. Abiding in ME is not only a privilege, but life itself. Nothing can touch you in my presence, because you are protected by my covering. A shelter, a rock. A place of peace and prosperity. Dwelling here keeps you from ultimate harm. Sometimes I lead you to in dark pathways, not only to test you, but to bring glory to the Father through your defeat of snakes and scorpions. I have alreay overcome the wicked one. As you move in my Spirit, and get comfortable with flow, you will see many of his kingdoms fall. No stronghold can withstand the force of my presence. I can simply breathe, and they will all fall down. No enemy can hide from my presence. So why should you be afraid. I give victory over the battles, and remember WE WIN the WAR of the ages, too. David was a worshiper and a WARRIOR. Learning the ways that I do spiritual warfare against the strongholds of the enemy will bring you into a new fighting position. My weapons are many. I do have secret weapons of mass destruction to take him down, and ultimately destroy his kingdoms. Nations will come to the knowledge of the LORD. As my people learn to dwell in ME, abiding in my presence, they will know no defeat. Only Jericho’s, and not Ai's. Listening is the key. Here. Clothe yourself with my armor. Walk in ME and ultimately MARCH, to the beat of my drum. War is immanent. But I’ve already given you the picture of the end. Stand on your ground and fight, and win over the wicked one. My weapons are mighty. Pull down strongholds, and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and you will see many victories in the days to come!

Hallelujah! Selah!

Psalm 121 is a blessing, too. The promise is that YOU don't slumber or sleep, and YOU keep us from evil. Any light?

David lifted up his eyes, looking for vision, looking for answers. He realized that help comes not from the strength of men, nor how many horses he has, but rather, one who has placed his trust in ME, shall not fall. I do provide protection from the wicked one, and he cannot touch you. My protection is real. Do you believe this? Yes, Lord, I believe... many have given their lives in sacrifice for the testimony. They are lights in my glorious kingdom. Lights that will not be extinguished.. they continue to shine even today. You see, your life on earth is only a vapor; but I made you to inherit eternity. So the short time you have on earth is only an investment in your future. What you do can bring honor or dishonor. It is how you dedicate it, and separate it unto ME. I redeem your life from destruction, and allow you to experience your highest good, because I dwell in you, and lead you in the way everlasting. You will be with ME forever, in my kingdom. Learning to live as a citizen of that kingdom, often takes a lifetime in your years, to just begin to understand all the things that I have prepared for you. I have many surprises awaiting you and your kindred. Be faithful to proclaim my NAME among the nations. You will see a harvest that will “blow your mind” as you say.

I rest in that provision, protection, and prosperity...